Discover the Rhythm
Tune in to the Rhythm
Experience the Rhythm
Surround yourself with
Feel the Rhythm
Create your Rhythm
of an age-old Wilderness
of the Predators
of the greatest Migration on Earth
the Rhythm of tranquility
of culture and co-existence
of conservation

All Reasons to Choose

When you have caught the Rhythm of Africa, you find out that it is the same in all her music...

5 Reasons to choose

Tried, tested and trusted

All our destination and accommodations have been handpicked. We only use the best guides, suppliers and camps.

Your Safari, Your Itinerary, Your budget

We tailor-make itineraries to suit any traveller. We appreciate the fact that each traveller has a different set of expectations and we strive to anticipate and meet all your expectations.

Africa is our only Rhythm

This specialization allows us to focus in delivering exactly what you anticipated and what we promised.

Wherever you go, we have a story to tell

Our guides follow the animals each day and have been a first hand witness of their struggle and victory in the mighty savannah. You will hear more about them on safari with us.

All the wild animals are part of our “team”

We strive to protect and conserve these animals. Rhythms of Nature partners with conservation projects for the welfare of animals.

Extra Ordinary


A memorable safari is based on three things: local knowledge, location and the right timing. At Rhythms of Nature, we pride ourselves in experiential local knowledge of all our national parks, the best time to visit and what to expect. Yet, whenever you visit or whatever safari you opt for, you will always be taken away by abundant wildlife, endless landscapes and timeless culture.

Big Cats

The Great Wildebeest Migration

Iconic Landscapes


How Safaris begin


How You like it


It Can’t get better

Safari Experience

Beyond Stars

The night is dark and filled with  peculiar stillness. The African sky is illuminated with a thousand stars. Your favorite drink in your hand and the warmth of a logfire as you feel a gentle breeze passing by. In the distance you hear the disntinctive roar of a male lion, the Rhythm synonymous to African nights. Just as you cannot imagine any of the above, even in the most pricey hotel within a city, we cannot imagine categorizing camps and lodges in the wild with star ratings. At Rhythms of Nature, we bring to you the finest luxury that is close to nature.  Welcome to the safari beyond stars.

Sometimes in the middle of nowhere, You find yourself